Tuesday 5 April 2011

Your first Daily Dose-

Hi. My name's Rosie. 
I'm 23, and I live in Sydney. I'm studying to be a journalist, and I'd love to be a television producer and presenter one day.
I love cats, so I can guarantee you'll see many a feature on them. And if you don't like them? Expect to, because by the time I'm done with you, you will. 
Luckily for me, I've met the one. His name is Scott and he's my hero. But I will still make many a mention of love and relationships-because as you've probably already realised from your powers of deduction, I'm a girl. Girls like to talk about things of this nature, and I'm certainly no exception to the rule.

I will endeavour to bring you exciting, colourful and interesting posts. I will answer your questions, give you advice and support, and endeavour to be your agony aunt in any way that I can. But there will also be posts that aren't as fun- and you still need to read these. These posts are perhaps the most important. Such as my first post today. Read it, and think out it. Fire me your suggestions, comments, ideas- I want your opinion.

You can expect to see posts about recipes, fashion, health, travel, shopping, books, and many other interesting and exciting things. Including cats.


Love Rosie xxx

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