Thursday 5 May 2011

Tales From the Green Eyed Monster: The perils of having what others want

It'a always bugged me that girls can never seem to be happy for other girls. And now that I've been an adult for some years, it's safe to say women are the same.

It's something I've always noticed and always wanted to write about, so today I'm going to start. There are a couple of things in the news lately that have tossed pretty-girl bashing into the spotlight.

Example one: Megan Gale's twitter incident in the cafe. Another thing I think I'm fairly safe in saying is that Megan Gale is beautiful. And yes, there will be those who disagree, hark: beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. But come on, no one can say that she isn't attractive. She didn't get voted sexiest woman alive solely because she's a nice person, which I'm sure she is. So why did that young girl in the cafe make nasty comments about Megan? Because she was jealous. There. I said it. Forget 'she's entitled to her opinion and other people should respect it', she's jealous, and that's the long and the short of it. She said those nasty things because she couldn't stand looking at Megan's picture. And what do the insecure do when faced with something they wish they had? They knock it. She put Megan down because it made her feel better to tell herself that she wasn't all that much chop. It bugs a lot of people to see how beautiful and successful she is.  I for one, don't get it. Yes, I'd like a slightly nicer shaped nose, perhaps a few million to spend, and I certainly wouldn't mind being likened to an Amazonian goddess. But tough luck. Not everyone is dealt a perfect hand, and we are all beautiful and unique in our own right, even if we don't look a certain way or have a certain amount of success or money. I look at Megan and think she is lovely; I acknowledge her beauty and I think she's an intelligent, classy women. She is involved i a lot of charity work and always conducts herself gracefully in the public eye. I think that we should look to people like her as a role model. I' happy for her and I think she does Australia proud.
Megan Gale tweeted about her run in with the green-eyed monster

Example two: Kate Middleton's weight loss pre-wedding. Don't even get me started on the way the world has latched onto the term 'commoner'. It's hideous, and I could write a whole other diatribe based on why I think that term is nasty and unnecessary. Back to the weight. It was obvious that in the lead up to the wedding Kate Middleton had lost some weight. There was talk of how she was on this ridiculous 'Dukan diet' and desperately trying to shed a few extra pounds before the wedding. As expected the media had a hayday with this. What the entire world seemingly failed to take into account was that Kate was already slim; she had a lovely figure and certainly didn't seem as though she needed to 'lose weight', like the media was carrying on about. And I'm sure herself and William probably agreed. I'd say she lost weight quite dramatically because she was under the most enormous amount of pressure you could imagine. The entire world was looking at her and judging as she got ready for her wedding. She was rushing around, probably nervous as all hell, and trying to organise herself for the big day. I can only imagine how stressed and exhausted she must have become in the lead up to the wedding. So I don't think I'm exactly going out a limb when I say, perhaps this might be why she lost some weight? The world is so obsessed with dieting and weight loss that we'll use just about anything to plug a ridiculous new fad diet. At anyone's expense.
Kate Middleton days before HER wedding

Example three: An experience I had just yesterday. I was unfortunate enough to be on a train around 3.30 which soon filled with horrifically loud, smokey smelling teens from the local high school. Three young girls (whom I had just watched frantically suck the last drags out of a cigarette before getting on the train) plonked themselves in front of me with a copy of the MX daily paper. Inside was a picture of the top 10 from Maxim magazine's hottest 100 women, with Rosie Hutington- Whitely topping this year's poll-much to the horror of these three school girls. I listened in shock as they picked apart every part of her- 'she has stupid far-apart eyes like a hammer head shark', 'her nose is all flat like Usher' and 'she doesn't even have a very good body; she just looks like you're average slut'. Wow. I was dumbfounded by the comments. No matter which way you look at it, she is phenomenally beautiful. There is no denying that. And so the green eyed monster had struck again.

Rosie Huntington Whiteley: making 'hammer head sharks' and 'Usher's nose' a winning combo.

Yes, they were teenage girls, and admittedly it is a time in your life that sucks in many ways. The opposite sex are cripplingly immature and unrealistically demanding. Teenage boys with their zoo magazines and posters of half naked beauties on the wall force their impossible standards of beauty on young girls from a very early age, and so at 14, we begin shaving our legs, colouring our hair, watching our weight and slathering on fake tan in a hopeless bid to resemble Megan fox, so that you'll get the guy and fulfil his airbrushed dreams.

And yes, it sucks. I'm 23 now and I remember it as though it were yesterday. Even as recently as a year ago, I felt it when I flicked through my boyfriends Ralph magazines and thought to myself 'how am I ever going to live up to this?' But I never girl-bashed because of it. Instead I talked to myself, and told myself that I had to focus on what I had and make the best of what my mumma gave me. Where would putting myself and others down get me? Big fat nowhere. I embraced my features and have always tried to make the most of them. I accept that I am never going to be a Victoria's secret model, but I'm happy for those who are. And that genuinely makes me feel better. It makes me feel confident and classy. In my experience, life is too short for jealousy, and it feels better to be happy for others than it does to put them down.
You should never punish someone for the way they look- beautiful or not beautiful.

So in the wise word's of Ani Difranco:

            God help you if you are an ugly girl
          because too pretty is also your doom
             cos' everyone harbours a secured hatred
         for the prettiest girl in the room


Tuesday 3 May 2011

Street style lust

So I'm going into Harper's Bazaar to do some interning tomorrow. Only thing is, I'm totally stumped for what to wear. It's one of the world's biggest fashion magazines and although I like to think that I have good taste in clothes and I'm not too bad at putting an outfit together, it's Harpers. And the very thought of being in those lifts at Park street with those amazing women conjures up images of The Devil Wears Prada. So I turned to my old 'Inspiration' folder, which is made up of hundreds of pictures from street style blogs. It was mostly put together in my last year of uni:2009, the year that I spent single, alone with my cats and my fashion magazines. So here are the pictures that still make my favourites list.

love x