Wednesday 6 April 2011

Introducing my family-Our new kitten Simba (tabby), my first baby Kittenmitten and my boyfriend Scott,

Oasis Film Competition and Bee Orsini- an inspiration to us all

Today I had the pleasure of meeting an amazing, inspirational young woman called Bee Orsini. When you first hear Bee speak, you'd be forgiven for thinking that this charismatic, articulate, and all-round-gorgeous young woman has most likely come from a privileged family and a successful tertiary education. She speaks with honesty and eloquence. She is a natural- born, gifted public speaker- not a single person in the audience could take their eyes off her. Her tiny, unassuming stature is coupled with a huge personality and passion for life. She is polite and wise beyond her years. But there is more than meets the eye with this delightful young woman... Bee spent a great deal of her childhood and early adult life homeless; suffering severely from stress and anxiety after years of living in a broken home and the trauma of living life with on the streets. What ensued for Bee as a result was a path filled with self-harm, and drug and alcohol abuse. At her lowest point, she found herself alone in the small room of a refuge, wondering how she would ever recover from what had happened to her. 

Somehow, she found the strength to ask for help. Bee thanks the Oasis refuge, run by Paul and Robbin Mould, saving her from her troubled past and giving her a new beginning filled with love, hope and support. They never gave up on Bee, and she is now the inspirational young person that all children deserve the chance to be.

Bee is very much not alone. Every night across out country, 32,000 young people sleep on the street. This figure jumps to 44,500 if you include children under 12.

Bee spoke of how the work of people such as Paul and Robbin Moulds at the Salvation Army's Oasis refuge saved her from 'the prison of her past'. After hearing Bee speak, it's sobering to think that such an incredible person with so much to offer the world could have just as easily slipped through the cracks and never escaped the torment that she experienced everyday as a homeless person. It's disturbing to think that there are so many young people like Bee who will never get to achieve their dreams or reach their full potential because of this issue. 

Bee is both wise and gracious beyond her years. Despite the horrific and traumatising experiences that she has endured, she acknowledges that every homeless person has a story and an experience that has forced them to the brink, including her mother. She feels that harbouring anger and hatred towards those who are responsible is not only detrimental to resolving the issue, but also to her recovery.

I looked on this morning as Georgie Gardener from the Nine Network's Today show interviewed both Bee Orsini, and academy award winning actress Cate Blanchett. Seeing two people from such different walks of life fighting for the same cause was indeed and inspiration. 

Homelessness is a frightening and unnecessary endemic in our country. We need to work together to find a solution. We need the figure to change from 44,000 young homeless people to 0.

Tune in to the Today Show on channel Nine Friday morning from 5.30- 9am to watch Georgie's interview and meet Bee.

Learn more about Bee's story, the work of the Salvation army, watch the documentary, and to find how to enter the Oasis Film competition here:

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Your first Daily Dose-

Hi. My name's Rosie. 
I'm 23, and I live in Sydney. I'm studying to be a journalist, and I'd love to be a television producer and presenter one day.
I love cats, so I can guarantee you'll see many a feature on them. And if you don't like them? Expect to, because by the time I'm done with you, you will. 
Luckily for me, I've met the one. His name is Scott and he's my hero. But I will still make many a mention of love and relationships-because as you've probably already realised from your powers of deduction, I'm a girl. Girls like to talk about things of this nature, and I'm certainly no exception to the rule.

I will endeavour to bring you exciting, colourful and interesting posts. I will answer your questions, give you advice and support, and endeavour to be your agony aunt in any way that I can. But there will also be posts that aren't as fun- and you still need to read these. These posts are perhaps the most important. Such as my first post today. Read it, and think out it. Fire me your suggestions, comments, ideas- I want your opinion.

You can expect to see posts about recipes, fashion, health, travel, shopping, books, and many other interesting and exciting things. Including cats.


Love Rosie xxx