Friday 22 April 2011

10 Ways to Feel Better About Yourself

So today I've been thinking about what I can do to make myself feel better-physically and emotionally.
I've added the healthy food pyramid for a bit of a giggle-I'm sure most of us haven't seen this since Healthy Harold came to visit back in year 3 :)

1. Eat more fruit (preferably 3 pieces a day) and vegetables
2. Drink more water. Ok, so this will not make you immediately turn into Miranda Kerr, despite the fact that she and every other attractive person claims this is their secret. It's called genetics. Water will simply make you feel cleansed and less lethargic.
3. Walk at least 2kms every day
4.See girlfriends at least once a week
5. Wear make up EVERY time you leave the house-and strictly no pyjamas! With the exception of the chemist/video shop
6. Blog more. Writing is a great way of letting off steam as we all know. It's an added bonus that what you say might also benefit others in some way.
7. Go grocery shopping once a week and stop buying unnecessary foot items ie. dips,cheeses, and crackers- get extra fruit instead
8. Get out of bed before 8am on weekends- the day lasts so much longer, and no one enjoys that awful, headachy feeling after having far too much sleep.
9. Moisturise your skin morning first thing in the morning and before you go to bed. My mum did it everyday of her life and she has the most beautiful skin I've ever seen on a 54 year old- this is one thing genetics hasn't got a say in; it's all up to you.
10. And most importantly of all, something that I believe every girl and woman should do- treat yourself to one nice thing every week. I'm not saying splurge on a new pair of Louboutins every time you feel a bit average- that will only damage the wallet beyond repair, and possible lead to unwanted financial strain. And we don't need that. Simply treat yourself, even if it's as small as strolling along to the markets and indulging in some chocolate coated strawberries, or laying in the park listening to some music for a few hours- just do something for you and you only.

So that's my list so far. I decided to write these things down for myself because I'm feeling a bit average of late. I should be feeling great. I'm 23, I've got a great boyfriend and I'm in pretty good health. But I feel like a boring cat lady wearing pyjamas and eating too much chocolate. I don't go out as much anymore, and the only person I can rely on to compliment me is myself, and with the way I feel at the moment, I'm not doing an awful lot of self-validating. So I'm putting this list into action.
 Stay tuned for the results..

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